Is this Versace for H&M and Scam?

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 9:33 AM

Before we start this post, He already knows this is probably exactly the type of post that doesn't get him invited to designer events. But F*ck you, can't handle the truth about your clothing, get over it. He is tired of hearing all the excitement for Versace for H&M!! Tired He tells you, plain Tired. Just like when Missoni for Target launch, everyone freaked out. It was the Ugliest sh*t ever designed. Sorry there wasn't a single piece He would put in He's house or allow Mrs. She to wear. No Chance!

Same rules apply for this Versace launch. Sorry that all the clothing looks like a 1990s Magic Eye, but He ain't buying into the Hype. Is all of the clothing Bad? No. Absolutely not, there are a lot of good pieces. But there is also a lot of items that look like a rainbow threw up all over. Honestly, He doesn't care they came out of the archives, or this or that, some things are in the past and many things should stay there. Everything is gonna sell out in 5 minutes anyway, goes on sale tomorrow.
Blog, Updated at: 9:33 AM

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